Friday, September 21, 2012

Compare insurance quotes for young female drivers

How young female drivers can save money on their car insurance

Young drivers car insurance premiums are rather expensive compared to the those offered to older motorists- as you might have noticed if you have compared the quotes offered through various insurance companies.
This isn't about prejudice; it's about statistics. Just one in eight British drivers is under 25, but they are involved in one in four fatal crashes, according to Brake, the road safety organisation. In other words, young drivers cost insurers more in claims, so insurers charge young drivers more in premiums.

Young female car insurance market

But it's not all doom and gloom - at least not when it comes to car insurance for young female drivers. Your male friends might not agree, but women are actually better drivers than men. Government figures show that men are responsible for more than 92% of UK driving convictions and 98% of all convictions for dangerous driving. Men therefore tend to pay more for their car insurance than women.
You will find more specific guides for young females in these age bands in our guide to car insurance for young drivers.

The impact of new regulations on car insurance for young female drivers

So far, so good. However, there is a lot of speculation that the cost of car insurance for women could rise by the end of next year because of an anti-discrimination ruling by the European Court of Justice that bans insurers from charging men and women different premiums because of their gender. The new rules will come into effect in December 2012 when young female car insurance premiums could jump by 25% to 30%.
The timing could not be worse with 1.3 million motorists having already been driven off the road in the past 12 months because of the rising cost of car ownership, according to Sainsbury's Finance.

Find cheap car insurance for young female drivers

So it's more important than ever for young women drivers to choose the right policy at the right price. One of the easiest ways to drive down premiums is to shop around using MoneySupermarket's online comparison service. A number of specialist firms target women drivers with the promise of cheaper premiums - and the offers can be tempting. But it's always wise to check their quotes against the mainstream insurers.
Women might statistically be better drivers than men, but there's always room for improvement. If you want to enhance your driving skills - and pay less for your car insurance - you could consider either the Driving Standard Agency's Pass Plus course, or the Institute of Advanced Motorists Advanced Driving Test.
The courses cover various aspects of motoring, including motorway driving and night driving, and aim to promote greater confidence and road safety. You should also get a discount on your premium of as much as 10%. The courses aren't free, but the reduction in the price of your car insurance is often enough to cover the course fee.
Young female drivers can also benefit from the experience of an older motorist. Let's say your Mum has a clean driving record. If you put her on your policy as an additional named driver, she could bring down the price of the premium. Just be careful not to put your Mum down as the main driver, with you as an additional driver. It's known as fronting and is illegal.
If your car isn't worth very much you could reduce the cost of car insurance for young female drivers further by cutting your level of cover. Most drivers take out comprehensive car insurance, but the minimum legal requirement is third party only. A third party policy covers any damage or injury to other people or their property, but will not pay out for any damage to your own car, so is not appropriate for everyone. You might also find that it's no cheaper than comprehensive insurance.
You can find more ways to cut the cost of car insurance for young female drivers with's money saving tips.

Pay as you go car insurance for young drivers

Pay as you go insurance can be ideal for young female drivers because it rewards careful motorists who cover a limited number of miles. If you take out as pay as you go policy, the insurer will install a tracking device in your car. The 'black box' then monitors not only how many miles you drive, but also whether you drive at night or rush hour, on country lanes or fast motorways. The technology can even record your braking and acceleration to gauge how safely you drive.
The policies all work slightly differently but you basically pay for the miles you drive, rather like a pay as you go mobile phone. You can also earn bonus miles, or a reduction in premiums, if you abide by certain conditions, perhaps agreeing not to take the car out at night when a crash is more likely.
If you can avoid any accidents, you can hopefully also avoid any claims and so build up a no claims discount (NCD). Insurers reward careful drivers with a discount on their premiums. The discounts add up until after five consecutive claim-free years, you could cut your premium by more than 50%.


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