Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Honorary Award for Best Costume Design portrayal of " Johnny Depp "

Studio Honorary Award Rtysan February 15 " Paramount " will be awarded to Johnny Depp .
Society portraits and fashion designers Honorary Award " Rtysan » (Artisan) to " Johnny Depp " were awarded .

Faded gothic ' Edward Scissorhands ', gone the way of the parotid Pirates of the Caribbean , and Kolahdooz mad " Alice in Wonderland " Johnny Depp has always been one of the few actors more tone portraits and coatings designed to withstand wear has made . In order to portraits and fashion designers Association Honorary Award " Rtysan " is awarded to the player .

" Jeremy Renner " and " Bradley Cooper " in the film " American ran Clause " and " Ashton Kutcher " film " Jobs " are the other candidates for the award .

Studio Honorary Award Rtysan February 15 " Paramount " will be awarded to Johnny Depp.


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