Saturday, February 1, 2014

"Captain America 3 " Give Director

Marvel Studios released in 2016 or 2017 for the third episode of "Captain America " is selected .

"Captain America : Winter Soldier " to be nearing the final days of production , however, Marvel Studios released the film there and wait for her to make the third part is ready .

For this purpose, the " Query Anthony Russo " has been invited to direct the third part . " Rousseau Brothers " is now directing "Captain America : Winter Soldier " in their hands.

« Chris Evans ' role in maintaining the " Captain America " will play in the film . Marvel Studios released in 2016 or 2017 for the third episode of "Captain America " is selected .

Speaking of movies, there were superheroes , Marvel Studios also " Craig Kyle " and " Christopher Justi " for script writing Part III «Thor» announced. " Chris Hemsworth " and " Tom Hydlstvn " keeping role to play in this position . «Thor 3» The year 2017 is on the screen .
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" Kristin Stewart " drama " Still Alice ", " Julianne Moore" will be accompanied by

" Stuart " is currently playing in film " Camp X-Ray " finished and soon , " Juliette Binoche " The (sils maria) plays.
" Kristin Stewart " " Alec Baldwin " and " kissing Kate Bosworth " play for the film " Still Alice » (still Alice) were introduced .

Prior to this, " Julianne Moore" was chosen to play the main role in this film . Video taken from the book " Lisa Genoa " is the same as the master story neurologist ( Julianne Moore ) depicts the self is realized in early Alzheimer's disease . " Stuart " in the film Girl " Moore" plays with her mother , who sought to overcome the disease .

"Richard Glatzr " and " West Mvrland wash " are responsible for directing the film . " Alice " from March of this year, the camera moves , but its release date has been announced .

" Stuart " is currently playing in film " Camp X-Ray " finished and soon , " Juliette Binoche » (sils maria) plays.
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One of the film " Girls Wright " to " Jessica Alba "

" Alba " recently played in the films " Sin City 2" (Barely lettal) is finished .
" Jessica Alba " The main role of the new project "Kevin Connolly " entitled " Girls Wright » (The wright Girls) won .

" Girls Wright » Movies pen " Brett 's Royal " , which was introduced to obtain a sponsor at this year's festival in Berlin . The movie adaptation of a Japanese tale , the two comedians - drama depicts the names Kate and Vanessa , but they are very close friends , but the competition to get one of them will become a mortal enemy .

" Alba " recently played in the films " Sin City 2" (Barely lettal) is finished . Front of his soon to be announced.
" Girls Wright " in late March in Los Angeles , is the camera .
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Beauty costs, "Jennifer Aniston" What is the month?

Maybe watching an actor in the film as compared to the young and fit is beyond amazing . Despite the young actors tread the middle and have preserved skin . One of them, " Jennifer Aniston " 44 years old. At the age old lines are still not allowed to appear on his face .

It was reported that, " Aniston " 140 thousand dollars annually for health and beauty of your face spends . However , since aging is unstoppable , his beautiful face charges reduced to eight thousand dollars a month and the cost of beauty , hair and nail is in the can .

In this report, a beautiful part of the costs , " Aniston " has come .

Water enriched with oxygen

Each half -liter bottle of water can cost $ 25 a day , he will consume 24 bottles of water .


" Aniston " has its own hairdresser , even on short trips , and sometimes accompanied him to the makeup of an event to get more than four thousand dollars .

Hairdressers costs

Private Raygshr this does not mean that he is not beauty , but her facial massage and nail care salon " Chris MacMillan " is each time the barber spends less than $ 1,000 .


She also important to exercise for a week $ 900 yogaye abandoned .

Expensive masks

If ceremony or festival is the way forward , " Aniston " is forced to use his $ 840 as a mask , which is a combination of precious materials .

Nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals

His dietary supplements have not forgotten and 400 to 500 dollars per month to spend on foods and drugs complements .

Youth serums , laser skin peel Lisi and other skin spray reinforcing and reinforcing the monthly $ 1,000 fee includes Khrjhay Aniston .
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

20 actors who effectively advertise smoking + motion pictures

The sequences were shown to be effective smoking characters , up to 70 % increase in sales . Smoking is good! Disease, stroke and cancer , smoking is perhaps the main reason , but its absence in Hollywood is impossible . Gesture and voice mulatto actor cigarette smoking to one of the sequences has become popular filmmakers .

Although some players who do not smoke , and in this scene, but the use of electronic cigarettes as a way promoting smoking , especially among teenagers .

U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention of smoking among adolescents 10 years has given rise to addiction . The main cause of the increase in smoking among adolescents big films with popular actors who constantly smoke as it has .

View the fascinating scenes of smoking , the first step to becoming a young adult smokers who stopped smoking and what it might have been . Studies Center, the United States has said treatment and prevention , and youth after watching these movies , they are smoking too much relish . The Centre through various surveys and sales of cigarettes cinema has achieved these results .

The center has also stated that 44 % of adults smoking after watching a film such sequences , and have begun to experience .

"Clint Eastwood " On the film " Good, Bad , Ugly " Product (1966 )

" Denzel Washington " in the film " Training Day " products ( 2001)

" Johnny Depp " in the movie "Fear and looting in Las Vegas » Product (1998 )

"Robert Deniro " in the movie " Casino " Product (1995 )

" Audrey Hepburn " in the film " Breakfast Dirtfunny » Product (1961 )

" Marcelo Masterony » film «La Dolce Vita» Product (1960 )

"John Travolta " in the movie " Grease " production ( 1978)

" Jean -Paul Belmondo " in the film " breathless " Product (1960 )

" Brad Pitt " in the film "Fight Club " brochure ( 1999)

« Angelina Jolie » in the film " Gia " Product (1999 )

" Jack Nicholson " in the film " Chaitanya Town » Product (1974 )

" Matt Dillon " in the movie " Expelled " Product (1983 )

" Marlon Brando " in the film " A Streetcar Named Desire " Product (1951 )

" Jamie Fox " in the film " Dejango Unchained" Product (2012 )

" Humphrey Bogart " in the film " Casablanca " Product (1942 )

" Ray Leyuta " in the film " Good Fellas " crop (1990 )

" David Astratayrn " in the film " Good Night , and Good Luck " products ( 2005)

" Ryan Kastlyng " in the film " Tall needleleaf beyond " brochure ( 2013)

" James Dean " in the film " Rebellion without a cause" of the product ( 1955)

" Leonardo DiCaprio " On the film " Romeo and Juliet" production ( 1996)

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

2 poster from the animated "How to train your dragon 2 »

" How to train your dragon 2 " on the screen is 13 June .

2 poster from the animated "How to train your dragon 2 »
International Group , Cinema News - Two posters from the movie "How to train your dragon 2 " was released.
Posters represent " Astrid " and " Fish Lgz " with Azhdhayshan are.

The story of this episode, five years after the success of " Hykap " and Azhdhaysh " Los Tooth " ( without teeth) to unify the island several dragons and Vikings in " pools " shows . During the adventure , " Hykap " and " Les Tooth " ice island discovers that a shelter for hundreds of dragons and a dragon rider . " Cate Blanchett ," The role of the Dragon Rider " Valka " is the name of the mother " Hykap " , the speaker is . "J. Barvshl ", " America Ferrara ", " Christopher Mintz -plus ", " Gerard Butler ," " Craig Ferguson ", " Jvnahyl ", " T J. Miller " and " Christian Whig ," the other voice in this film are .

" How to train your dragon 2 " on the screen is 13 June .
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Giving the highest honorary title " BAFTA " to " Helen Mirren "

BAFTA Award winners February 16 at the " Royal Opera House " are introduced.

Award (Fellowship) is a BAFTA Film and Television Academy , the highest honorary title this year , " Helen Mirren " will be awarded.

The award ceremony will be held February 16 to coincide with the BAFTA Film Festival , the film "The Queen " is displayed .

" Charlie Chaplin ", " Alfred Hitchcock ", " Steven Spielberg " " Shawn Connery " and "Judy Dnch " other mythological figures are those who would receive the award .

« Path » far received a BAFTA Award four times and has seven times BAFTA award .

BAFTA Award winners February 16 at the " Royal Opera House " are introduced.
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" Frozen " record "Lion King" rank

The animation is still a big market for Hollywood films in China and Japan, which have not been released .
Cartoons " frozen " ( Frozen ) in the tenth week of the Disney movie theaters as part of the counter, the biggest sellers of $ 800 million over the border .

The three-dimensional animation that opens the Annual Thanksgiving Day in Week 9 million dollars in North American theaters and cinemas 20 million and 200 thousand dollars in international sales and total sales reached 810 million dollars .

Sales of 810 million dollars " frozen " record prompted cartoon "The Lion King " hit and the second non- continuing bestseller and the seventh Disney animated blockbuster Disney history is introduced.

The animation is still a big market for Hollywood films in China and Japan, which have not been released and is supposed to be released in February and March in China and Japan .

Seems to be " frozen " billions will have the ability to reach the club .
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Aggressive steps " Amazing Spiderman 2 '

The latest trailer of the film, the second of February to coincide with the Cup " Super Bowl " is published .
" Marc Webb ' film " The Amazing Spiderman 2 " movie told the tonal information website : Part III The Amazing Spiderman taken an aggressive step and somewhat more imaginative than the previous sections . This is completely different from the first episode and is too big . Stages of visual special effects , action scenes and emotional strength and taste much sweeter will be the audience . Scenes in space will be bigger and grandeur of this film will look .

" The Amazing Spiderman 2 " movie with " Andrew Garfield ," " the Stone ," " Jamie Foxx ," " Religion Dyhan ", " Scott Campbell ", " Ambs Davytz ", " Paul Jyamaty " and " Sally Field " opens the second .

The latest trailer of the film, the second of February to coincide with the Cup " Super Bowl " is published .
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" Guy Ritchie " The chair directed " King Arthur " Meeting

" Guy Ritchie " has already directed the film " The Man from Uncle " is an upcoming production project " King Arthur " has been announced .

" Guy Ritchie " The chair directed " King Arthur " Meeting
International Group , Cinema News - Four years since the studio Warner Bros. ' Guy Ritchie ' to direct the film version of " King Autor " and ultimately select is going to produce this film in six episodes directed " Guy Ritchie " begins .

The original script penned "John Hodge " was written , but the production studio project " Arthur and Lancelot " directed " by David Dabkyn " confirmed, the script was changed .

However, the film never reached production stage because the budget of 130 million , 20 million more than the studio estimated . Whispers In 2012 the production of the film , but only as a report reached the ears of the

" Jaby Harold " is the new film " King Arthur " for a project and wrote six episodes of the series " Guy Ritchie ", " Lymvnl Vygrm ", " Kyva Gldzmn " and " Tunnel Nets ' provide it .

" Guy Ritchie " has already directed the film " The Man from Nkl " is an upcoming production project " King Arthur " has been announced .
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Honorary Award for Best Costume Design portrayal of " Johnny Depp "

Studio Honorary Award Rtysan February 15 " Paramount " will be awarded to Johnny Depp .
Society portraits and fashion designers Honorary Award " Rtysan » (Artisan) to " Johnny Depp " were awarded .

Faded gothic ' Edward Scissorhands ', gone the way of the parotid Pirates of the Caribbean , and Kolahdooz mad " Alice in Wonderland " Johnny Depp has always been one of the few actors more tone portraits and coatings designed to withstand wear has made . In order to portraits and fashion designers Association Honorary Award " Rtysan " is awarded to the player .

" Jeremy Renner " and " Bradley Cooper " in the film " American ran Clause " and " Ashton Kutcher " film " Jobs " are the other candidates for the award .

Studio Honorary Award Rtysan February 15 " Paramount " will be awarded to Johnny Depp.
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Record the highest ticket prices in 2013

Increasing ticket prices have gone up expensive films in 2013 alone .

Record the highest ticket prices in 2013
International Group ; movie news - relatively expensive movie going in 2013, one of the Americans was fun . Why is the price of movie tickets last year reached its highest level in years .

According to the American Synmadaran class , welcomed the reduction of conventional two-dimensional films in theaters and movies on cinema tickets rise , as are three-dimensional and IMAX . For a typical movie theater ticket prices increased slightly more than 2 percent of 7 dollars and 96 cents to 8 dollars and 13 cents was the highest increase in the price of a cinema ticket . However, in the last quarter of 2013 the increase in the price of 7. Rose 3 per cent to 8 dollars and 35 cents . The reason for this higher grade Synmadaran huge and costly films like " Gravity " and "The Hobbit 2 " is as films like " Spiritualism " and " We Maylrz families " are separated from the base and with tickets at $ 7 84 traditionally have been exhibited.

It is said , rising ticket prices have gone up expensive films in 2013 alone . Them in such a way that the sample films " Iron Man 3 " and " man of steel " have seen .
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Released "Batman vs. Superman" was postponed to 2016

It 's not good news for fans of superhero films , but film producers " Batman vs. Superman" movie to theaters this summer 2016 has been postponed .
" CNN " reported, superhero film " Batman vs. Superman " which was previously released on 17 July 2015 to a one year delay opens in summer 2016 .
However, the initial production of the film sequences were as dark field army and started photography in Michigan .

By the time the movie " Batman vs. Superman" films of numerous superheroes 2015 goes down, and the opportunity for great films like " revenge 2 " might be .

Following the success of the film " Man of steel ", " Zac Snyder " This film part of the desire to produce a film studio Warner Bvz reported . " Snyder " has declared this the " man of steel " and " Batman " and "Superman" will be united . " David S. Gvyr " trilogy author " The Dark Knight " in cooperation with " Christopher Nolan " wrote the screenplay for this effect .

" Snyder " declared " Kavyl art " while maintaining the "man of steel ", " Ben Affleck" as " Batman ," " Amy Adams ", " Lauren Fyshbvrn " and " Diane Lane " are present in this film .
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Media campaigns , BAFTA winners estimates + Table

Notably BAFTA Award winners will be announced February 16 .

Media campaigns , BAFTA winners estimates + Table
International Group , Cinema News - the study web site (waytoBluo) held a month before the BAFTA awards done through social media competition to predict the BAFTA film is estimated . The study received films before and after the announcement of the nominees has changed, and the level of competition in the cinema , Facebook and Twitter have changed .

Films " and ran an American Band ," " Fylvmna ", " attractive ", " Captain Phillips " are the second and third .

In the case of directors, " Astyvmk Queen " with the film " 12 years of slavery, " one of the best-known directors nominees were introduced before the introduction of the nominees for the position of "Alfonso Kvarvn " moved.

Best Actor in " Chyvtl Ajyvfvr " actor " , 12 years of slavery ," the chances are high for the BAFTA Award . However, after introducing the nominees , " Leonardo DiCaprio " has the chance of it seems audiences have confirmed BAFTA Film Award for her competence .

Among the actresses , " Sandra Bullock " film " Gravity " before and after the introduction of the nominees , the top prize is a chance , however, after the introduction of the Golden Globe Awards " Amy Adams " and " Cate Blanchett " from competitors his are considered .

Notably BAFTA Award winners will be announced February 16 .
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Olivia Wilde " movie poster " better chemistry " + poster

" Better living with chemistry " will be released March 14, 2014 after two years of delays .
" Olivia Wilde " movie poster " Better living with chemistry " + poster
International Group , Cinema News - The first poster of the film " Better living with chemistry " was released.

Better living with chemistry in the movie written by Geoff Moore and David Pvzamnytr written during the life of a pharmacist who failed with a cranky wife more. At the same time, a woman living conditions have Davrsaz visiting her husband is willing to kill a mysterious drug . Pharmacist support these ideas and try to work together to kill their husbands are away .

" Olivia Wilde ," " Sam Rockwell ," " Jane Fonda " and " Ray Leona " are the protagonist .

" Better living with chemistry " will be released March 14, 2014 after two years of delays .
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Filming " Star Wars 7 " at Spring 2014

December 18, 2015 and the next two sections, the first part of the film will be screened between 2017 and 2019 .

Film " Star Wars 7 " Spring 2014
International Group ; Synmakhbr - films Star Wars 7 May 2014 will enter production phase .

In an interview with the film's director JJ Abrams Bylyv information website had stated that the seventh Star Wars film ended and the filming of the Month ( April) begins .

Star Wars 7 sequences and location photography has started recently .

Abrams also rumors about the television series Jesse Plymvnz Brykyng bad actor said he was one of the protagonists of this film will be introduced if other actors .

Abrams and written by Lawrence Kasdan Star Wars 7 is written as a trilogy to be made . December 18, 2015 and the next two sections, the first part of the film will be screened between 2017 and 2019 .
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

James Bond 24 " continue " Sky Fall "is

"James Bond 24 " directed " Sam Mendes " will be released November 6, 2015 " Ralph Fayns ',' Daniel Craig ',' Naomi Harris " and " Ben Vishav " it plays.

"James Bond 24 " continue " Sky Fall " is
International Group , Cinema News - "John Logan " script writer " Sky Fall " or the section 23 James Bond on television (Penny Dread ful) announced that the continuation of the James Bond 24 " Sky Fall " is.

" Logan ," told the story of the 24 official James Bond adventure continues " 007 " is the events of episode 23 is derived . The sequence also saw some flash Bk·hay the " Sky Fall " will .

" Logan " has not yet disclosed the details of the 25 James Bond as part of the soon to be announced .

"James Bond 24 " directed " Sam Mendes " will be released November 6, 2015 " Ralph Fayns ',' Daniel Craig ',' Naomi Harris " and " Ben Vyshav " it plays.
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Best Supporting Actor at the 2014 Screen Actors Guild of America

" Matthew McCartney Kanayy ", " Cate Blanchett ," "Lupita Niongoy", " Jared Lito " and " Brian Cranston " was that the actors in the movie were introduced .

Best Supporting Actor at the 2014 Screen Actors Guild of America
International Group , Cinema News - U.S. Screen Actors Guild (SAG) winners cinema and television was introduced in 2014 . The ceremony yesterday at the " sweet Dyvtvryvm " held in Los Angeles and the film " American Band called " the best player of the group to be.

" Matthew McCartney Kanayy ", " Cate Blanchett ," " Lvpyta dyes Goo ", " Jared Lito " and " Brian Cranston " was that the actors in the movie were introduced .

List of winners is as follows .

Best Actor : Matthew McCartney Kanahy , ' Dallas Buyers Club '
Other candidates : Bruce Dern , " Nebraska " - Chvyytl Ajyvfvr , " 12 Years of Slavery " - Tom Hanks, "Captain Phillips " - Forrest Vytkr , " The Butler "

Best Actress : Cate Blanchett, " despair " blue
Other nominees : Sandra Bullock , " Gravity " - Judy Dnch , " Fylvmna " - Meryl Streep, " August " - Emma Thompson , " Saving Mr. Banks "

Best Actor : Jared Leto , ' Dallas Buyers Club '
Other candidates : Brkhd Abdi , "Captain Phillips " - Daniel Brule , " Need for Speed ​​" - Michael Fasbndr , " 12 Years of Slavery " - James Gandvlfyny , " enough said "

Best supporting actress : Lvpyta Neon dialogue, " the 12 -year slavery "
Other nominees : Jennifer Lawrence , " and called American Band " - Julia Roberts , " August " - Jun Askyb , " Nebraska " - Oprah Winfrey , " The Butler "

Best actor group " Americans Hustle »
Other nominees : " 12 Years of Slavery " - " August " - " Butler " - ' Dallas Buyers Club '

Best Group Stuntman : ' lone survivor '
Other candidates " lost everything " - "fast and aggressive 6 " - " Need for Speed ​​" - ' Wolverine '
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